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Travel from Birmingham to Dundee by train
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Birmingham Dundee Train

If you’re looking for trains between England and Scotland then you’re in the right place!

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Birmingham to Dundee including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Birmingham to Dundee as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

To book your train ticket, simply start typing your departure and destination stations into the ticket search box and follow the prompts.

About Birmingham

The city of Birmingham, which is located in the West Midlands in England and is the most populous city in Britain outside London. The city is a major international commercial centre and as a result it has excellent transport, retail, events and conference facilities. The city has six universities which makes it the largest centre of higher education in the country outside London.

Birmingham's architecture is largely a product of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries having only really developed as a city as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Evidence of Birmingham's medieval history can be seen in its oldest churches, particularly the original parish church of St Martin in the Bull Ring, and two public houses - the Lad in the Lane and The Old Crown.

Birmingham's universities are: Aston University, University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, University College Birmingham, Newman University and a campus of the University of Law and BPP University. The city is also home to the regional base of the Open University.

The city has three main line railway stations: Birmingham New Street, Birmingham Moor Street and Birmingham Snow Hill. Between them they offer passengers many direct services across the United Kingdom. Curzon Street railway station is planned to be the northern terminus for phase 1 of the High Speed 2 rail link from London which is due to open in 2026.

About Dundee

Located in north east Scotland, the city of Dundee is over 800 years old and is the fourth largest city in Scotland. The city is undergoing a transformation with a £300 million master plan to regenerate Dundee Waterfront which is expected to last for a 30-year period between 2001 and 2031. The aims of the project will be to reconnect the city centre to the waterfront, to improve facilities for walking, cyclists and buses, to replacing the existing inner ring road with a pair of east/west tree lined boulevards, build a new civic square and a regenerated railway station and arrival space at the western edge. A new Victoria and Albert museum is also being built which is set to be completed by 2015.

Dundee is also a key retail destination for north east Scotland. The city centre offers a wide variety of retailers, department stores, independent and specialist stores. The Murraygate and High Street forms the main pedestrian area and is home to a number of national stores. Other retail areas in the city include Gallagher Retail Park, Kingsway East Retail Park and Kingsway West Retail Park.