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Bournemouth London Waterloo Train

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Bournemouth London Waterloo stations

Bournemouth Train Station

Bournemouth railway station, operated by South West Trains, serves the coastal resort town of Bournemouth in Dorset, England. The station lies on the South Western Main Line which connects London Waterloo railway station with Weymouth. The station has a staffed ticket office although passengers should note that it is not open in the late evening. Passengers are able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines located in the station.

Facilities at the station include pay phones, refreshments and toilets. Passengers should note that ATM's and baby changing facilities are not available.

The station has 4 platforms. Platform 2 is for through services towards Southampton and London and Platforms 3 and 4 are for termination services from London and for through services towards Poole and Weymouth. Platform 1 is currently not used.

Passenger services calling at the station are operated by South West Trains and CrossCountry.

Bournemouth railway station also serves as a hub for local bus services. On the down side of the station is Bournemouth Travel Interchange which is served by More Bus and Yellow Buses, both companies operate frequent services to the town centre. A regular bus service to Bournemouth Airport, the Bournemouth Airport Shuttle, is operated by Yellow Buses. It is also a stop on National Express coach routes which serve the town.

Parking is available at the station for 329 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

London Waterloo Train Station

Located in central London, London Waterloo railway station offers passengers services to destinations including Chessington South, Hampton Court, Wimbledon, Epsom, Dorking, Guildford, Woking, Basingstoke, Salisbury, Southampton, Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Weymouth and Exeter.

London Waterloo railway station is operated by Network Rail and is the terminus for South West Trains services to south west London, Surrey, Hampshire, Dorset and parts of Berkshire. Passenger services calling at the station are operated by South West Trains.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, bureau de change, pay phones, public wifi, cafes and shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. Parking is available at the station for 27 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day. London Waterloo is served by the Bakerloo, Jubilee, Northern (Charing Cross branch) and Waterloo & City lines of the London Underground network.

Adjacent to the main station is a through station called "Waterloo East", the last stop on the South Eastern Main Line towards London before the terminus at Charing Cross. This has four platforms, known as A to D to avoid confusion with the numbered platforms in the main station among staff who work at both stations. Waterloo East is managed and branded separately from the main station. Trains go to southeast London, Kent and parts of East Sussex.