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Bradford Stirling Train

Thinking about travelling by train from England to Scotland between Bradford and Stirling? offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

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About Bradford

The city of Bradford's oldest building is its cathedral where the oldest parts of the cathedral date back to 1458. It is one of only a few medieval buildings in Bradford that still remain. One other is Bolling Hall which is currently being used as a museum and education centre. Examples of architecture from the Victorian era, apart from the many mills in and around the city, include the City Hall, the former wool exchange and the Victorian cemetery at Undercliffe. A fine example of a Victorian commercial district can be found at Little Germany which is located just to the east of the city centre. The area takes its name from the 19th century German Jewish immigrants who ran their businesses from buildings in the area. Buildings in Little Germany have been renovated and converted into luxury apartments. These include Paper Hall and Eastbrook Hall.

The city also has The St George's Hall which is a grand concert hall built in 1853 which makes it the oldest concert hall in the United Kingdom and the third oldest in Europe.

Bradford is also a green city with the city and surrounding area having 37 parks and gardens. Lister Park, voted Britain's Best Park in 2006 has a boating lake and Mughal Water Gardens.

About Stirling

The Scottish city of Stirling is located in the centre of Scotland where Highland mountains and lochs meet Lowland cities and is the gateway to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, Scotland’s first national park. The Old Town is like a walk through history with the Castle, mansions, town walls, graveyards and ghosts. Once the capital of Scotland, Stirling contains the Great Hall and the Renaissance Palace within the Castle that rivaled any building in Europe at the time. Stirling also has its medieval parish church, The Church of the Holy Rude, where King James VI was crowned King of Scots on 29 July 1567. The Holy Rude still functions as a living church with a service every Sunday. The best way to explore Stirling is on foot. Walks range from history trails and countryside rambles to a children’s quiz walk and ghost tours. For example, the Back Walk runs along the 16th century Town Walls with glimpses into Old Town gardens and views over King’s Park to the distant mountains. The city is also an active city. Apart from its own football and rugby teams, visitors can play a round of golf, go for a swim or go horse riding.