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Chichester London Train

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We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Chichester and London now.

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About Chichester

Chichester is a city located in West Sussex in the south east of England and is the only city in West Sussex. The city lies on the River Lavant just to the south of its gap through the South Downs. Its origins began with its Roman settlement and subsequent importance in Anglo-Saxon times and is home to some of the oldest churches and building in the United Kingdom. Chichester has medieval city walls surrounding it which have been built on Roman foundations.

Chichester Cathedral, founded in the 11th century, is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and contains a shrine to Saint Richard of Chichester. Its spire was built of the weak local stone and collapsed suddenly and was rebuilt during the 19th century.

The architecture of the Roman town within Chichester has been declared a conservation area which includes many Grade I listed buildings. There is another conservation area to the north around the former Graylingwell Hospital and another to the south to include the newly restored canal basin and part of the canal itself.

The city has taken maximum advantage of its past and has used it to develop a large tourist industry. There are also several marinas located nearby which support local related industries. The city's proximity to Chichester Harbour and the South Downs provide excellent opportunities for outdoor pursuits.

About London

The world famous city of culture, sport, business, fashion, finance and food, London is the capital of the United Kingdom and is located in the south east region of England. For such an amazing city it may come as a surprise to many visitors to find out that many of London's attractions are free. Examples of free attractions include the British Museum, the Museum of London, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate and Tate Modern, the Natural History Museum, the National Maritime Museum Greenwich, the Science Museum and many, many more! For a relaxing way to explore the city take one of the many open topped bus tours or alternatively take a different perspective of London and hop on to a river boat tour where you will get to see the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London and Tower Bridge from a unique perspective. For the more energetic visitor there are walking tours and even cycle tours covering many parts of London. Getting around London is easy as the city is well served by local bus, rail, underground, tram, DLR and river boat services. Most services take advantage of the Oystercard cashless electronic ticketing system that is used by most of London's transport network.