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About Durham

The city of Durham's old commercial area included the peninsular on three sides, following the River Wear. The peninsular was surrounded by the castle wall which ran from the castle keep and included two gatehouses on the north side and the west side of the enclosure. The Victorians removed the city wall but retained the gatehouse which still remains standing on the Bailey.

Durham's medieval city comprised the cathedral, castle and administrative buildings on the peninsular. The area around the North Road part of the city underwent a transformation during the 1960's which was championed by Durham City Council. Most of the medieval street plan remains although most of the medieval buildings have disappeared apart from the House of Correction and the Chapel of Saint Andrew which are both under Elvet Bridge.

The River Wear provides around 1800 m of river that can be rowed on, stretching from Old Durham Beck in the east to the weir next to Durham School Boat Club's boat house in the west. This includes the 700 m straight used for most of the Durham Regatta races and some challenging navigation through the arches of Elvet Bridge, reputed to be the narrowest row through bridge in Europe, and the bends of the river round the peninsula.

About Preston

The city of Preston in the north west of England, in the county of Lancashire, has a rich history from links to the Industrial Revolution through to the famous footballer, Sir Tom Finney, who played for Preston North End Football Club. Preston is a city that has something for everyone and can easily be explored on foot. Take a stroll through Avenham & Miller Parks and Winckley Square and take in the wildlife habitats and get a real sense of the city's green spaces. From there it is a short distance to the Guild Wheel which is more than 20 miles of cycleways encircling the city. Whilst in the city visitors should also sample Preston’s reputation as Lancashire’s shopping destination, offering two shopping centres and numerous high street brands, all of which are relatively compact and easy to explore. However, It is not just about famous high-street names and brands that are on offer. Preston offers bustling indoor and outdoor markets, fresh Lancashire produce, and a variety of boutique and independent shops, many with a long, proud history of their own. Visitors can also can soak up the fantastic architecture too, not least the Victorian splendour of the Miller Arcade.