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Ely Leeds Train

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We offer the cheapest tickets from Ely to Leeds as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Ely

Ely, in Cambridgeshire, is a cathedral city located roughly 15 miles to the north east of Cambridge. Construction of Ely Cathedral began in 1083 by the first Norman Bishop, Simeon. Construction of the cathedral continued until the dissolution of the abbey in 1539 during the Reformation. Under the guidance of George Gilbert Scott the cathedral was restored between 1845 and 1870.

The city has two Sites of Special Scientific Interest: a former Kimmeridge Clay quarry and one of the United Kingdom's best remaining examples of medieval ridge and furrow agriculture. Agriculture remains the region's main economy but the city had been the centre of local pottery production from the 12th century to 1860.

There are just under 80 Grade I and Grade II listed buildings in Ely and include the Norman Ely Castle, St Mary's Vicarage and the Lamb Hotel.

Ely railway station lies on the Fen Line and is a major railway hub with the Cambridge to Ely section opening in 1845. Five major railway lines—excluding the former Ely and St Ives Railway—emanate from this hub: north to King's Lynn, north-west to Peterborough, east to Norwich, south-east to Ipswich and south to Cambridge and London. There are direct trains to Cambridge, London, most of East Anglia, the Midlands and the North. T here are connecting services to many other parts of England and to Scotland.

About Leeds

Located in West Yorkshire, the city of Leeds is the largest city in the county and is an attractive city with Georgian, Victorian, 20th and 21st century architecture to enjoy. There are many museums, cafes, restaurants and theatres to visit. Leeds is within easy reach of the Yorkshire Dales, the Yorkshire Moors and the Peak District. In the centre of Leeds is the main shopping area which is a roughly half mile square between The Headrow, Vicar Lane, Boar Lane and Park Row. The main shopping street is the broad and bustling Briggate where many flagship stores can be found, including Harvey Nichols and House of Fraser.

Centred on the massive dome of the Corn Exchange, the Exchange Quarter is the centre of Leeds' bohemian life, with one-off boutiques, funky cafés and piercing parlours filling its pretty cobbled streets. It is becoming increasingly chic with a wide range of upscale bars and stylish restaurants, particularly on Call Lane.

The main tourist information office for the city is in the railway station, but there are various other information points across the city (e.g. Central Lending Library, The Headrow).