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Inverness Cambridge Train

Find the latest information on Scotland to England trains travelling from Inverness to Cambridge.

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About Inverness

The Scottish city of Inverness is an important centre for bagpipe players and lovers and every September since 1788 the city hosts the Northern Meeting, a bagpipe competition. Another important event for the city is the annual Highland Games which can trace its roots back to 1822. While centred on competitions in piping and drumming, dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.

Inverness is also home to two summer music festivals, Rockness and the Tartan Heart Festival, that bring a variety of different music to the town.

The River Ness, which flows from nearby Loch Ness, runs through Inverness on its way to the Moray Firth. The Ness Islands, a publicly owned park, consist of two wooded islands connected by footbridges and has been used as a place of recreation since the 1840s. Craig Phadraig, once an ancient Gaelic and Pictish hill fort is a 240 m hill which offers hikes on a clear pathway through the wooded terrain.

Shinty is an integral part of the Highlands and Islands and as the capital of the Highlands Inverness often hosts a wealth of Shinty finals such as the Camanachd Cup Final (the pinnacle of Shinty) as well as the International game of Shinty and Irish hurling.

About Cambridge

The university city of Cambridge in eastern England is a city of crocuses and daffodils, of green open spaces and cattle grazing only 500 yards from the market square. The city, perhaps best known for its world class university, is also a world class centre for technology and science. The university was the site of Rutherford's pioneering work in nuclear physics as well as Crick and Watson's DNA work.

Visitors to Cambridge can enjoy a leisurely stroll along The Backs (gardens by the River Cam behind various colleges) which will provide an insight to the city. You are able to walk through Kings College and onto Kings Parade. Visitors also enjoy spending time on the water on punts or in rowing boats. Punts can be hired in the city.

The Cambridge Summer Music Festival may be the most romantic way to appreciate the magnificent architecture of the many College Chapels. You can listen to a concert performed in their marvelous acoustics. Cambridge Summer Music offers world class performances in the well-known Chapel of King's College as well as many of the city's hidden gems.