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Lancaster Wolverhampton Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Lancaster to Wolverhampton including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Lancaster to Wolverhampton as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About Lancaster

Lancaster is a city and county town of Lancashire and lies on the River Lune. The city offers visitors a huge range of cultural activities to immerse themselves in. The city also has many excellent examples of Georgian architecture as well as Lancaster Castle, the Priory Church of St. Mary and the Edwardian Ashton Memorial are all sites of historical importance.

The city's main venues for live performances are the Lancaster Grand Theatre, the Dukes and the Yorkshire House. The city also hosts "The Play in the Park" which is a group of open air performances which take place in Williamson Park. The city home to Lancaster University which also hosts public theatre performances, live music, exhibitions, contemporary dance and live art. The city also hosts a campus of the University of Cumbria. In early November the city puts on one of the largest fireworks displays in the north west of England.

Lancaster is also home to a number of golf clubs which include the Ashton Golf Centre, Lansil Golf Club, Forest Hills and Lancaster Golf Club.

Lancaster's railway station lies on the West Coast Main Line which provides passengers with direct services to destinations including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham and London as well as to many other towns and cities across the region and the UK.

About Wolverhampton

Located in the West Midlands region of England, the city of Wolverhampton isn't well known as a tourist attraction, those visiting friends at the University, enjoying a football match at the famous Molineux Stadium or attending a concert at one of the fine local music venues will probably be pleasantly surprised by what this city has to offer.

Bus services originate from the city's bus station, which is located close to the railway station. There are regular services to all parts of the city, although it should be noted that many services stop at around 11pm. Buses from Wolverhampton also travel to the towns of the Black Country (including Dudley, Sandwell, West Bromwich and Walsall) and to Birmingham, although the journey by road can be quite long.

A more recent addition to Wolverhampton's public transport system is the Midland Metro. Regular and frequent trams start at Wolverhampton St George's stop in Bilston Street (very close to the city's main shopping area on Dudley Street) and pass via Bilston, Wednesbury, West Bromwich and Sandwell, and terminate at Birmingham Snow Hill railway station, a few minutes walk from Birmingham New Street railway station.