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London Salisbury Train

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We offer the cheapest tickets from London to Salisbury as well as open/flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us now!

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About London

London is the capital city of both England and of the United Kingdom and spans both banks of the River Thames. Present day London can trace its history back 2,000 years from when it was a Roman settlement. London is a truly global city that has strengths in arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, media, research and development and tourism. London has the largest financial services sector in the world, the world's largest city airport by passenger numbers and world class universities including Imperial College, King's College the London School of Economics and University College London.

Due in part to its port London has a diverse population from around the world. It is estimated that more than 300 languages are spoken within the city's boundaries. This ethnic diversity enhances London's cultural offering. Among the many landmarks and historic buildings visitors are particularly drawn to the four sites that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, the combined Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church and Greenwich which includes the Royal Observatory and the fact that Greenwich marks the Prime Meridian, 0 degrees longitude and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

About Salisbury

Located in the county of Wiltshire in the south of England, the city of Salisbury is the only city in Wiltshire and has at its centre a 13th century cathedral. Old Serum is the site of the original city and is located on a hilltop just to the north of the present day city. The site shows evidence of habitation from around 3,000 BC to 1219 when the bishop relocated the cathedral to its present location. Most of the site is free to enter although there is a charge for the Inner Bailey.

Music plays an important part in the city's history especially during the 18th century when James Harris, a friend of George Frideric Handel, directed concerts at the Assembly Rooms for almost fifty years until his death in 1780. Art also has an important role in Salisbury's history. John Constable made a number of landscape paintings featuring the cathedral's spire and surrounding countryside. The city retains a strong artistic community. The city holds an annual arts festival, the International Arts Festival, which began in 1973 and is held in late May to early June. The festival contains a programme of live music, dance, sculpture and art exhibitions.