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Newark Castle London St Pancras Train

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Newark Castle London St Pancras stations

Newark Castle Train Station

Newark Castle railway station, operated by East Midlands Trains, serves the Nottinghamshire town of Newark. The station lies on the Nottingham to Lincoln Line. The station takes its name from the nearby castle and should not be confused with Newark North Gate, the other railway station serving Newark. There is no ticket office at the station so passengers must buy there tickets from the ticket machines at the station. Passengers are also able to collect tickets purchased in advance (for example, on the internet) from one of the automatic ticket machines.

Passengers should be aware that the station is unstaffed and that there are no facilities at the station.

Passenger services calling at the station are operated by East Midlands Trains and services run hourly to Lincoln towards the east, and Leicester to the west. These services are enhanced with a daily return train from Lincoln to London St Pancras International.

Parking is available at the station for 80 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

London St Pancras Train Station

Located in central London, London St Pancras railway station offers passengers destinations including Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Sheffield, Leeds, Chatham, Faversham, Ashford International, Canterbury West, Folkestone, Dover, Luton and Bedford. International destinations available are Paris, Brussels and Lille.

London St Pancras railway station is operated by Network Rail and is the terminus for East Midlands Trains services from London to Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, Sheffield, and smaller towns en route, and for Eurostar's high speed trains to Paris, Brussels and Lille. First Capital Connect trains on the cross-London Thameslink route call at platforms beneath the main station, south to Gatwick Airport and Brighton and north to Luton Airport Parkway for Luton Airport and Bedford. It is also the terminus for high speed domestic services to Kent, run by Southeastern.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, bureau de change, First Class Lounge, pay phones, cafes and shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. Parking is available at the station for 322 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

The recent redeveloped terminus has been described by the travel writer Simon Calder as "the world's most wonderful railway station". On the station's upper level, above the Arcade concourse, stands a bronze statue of the former Poet Laureate Sir John Betjeman, gazing in apparent wonder at the Barlow roof and at the south end of the upper level, a 9-metre high bronze statue named The Meeting Place stands beneath the station clock.