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Nottingham York Train

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About Nottingham

Nottingham is a city and county town of Nottinghamshire in the East Midlands of England. The city is famed for its link to the legend of Robin Hood and is also renowned for its lace making, bicycle and tobacco industries. Visitors to Nottingham have a huge range of things to do and places and buildings to see. Some of Nottingham's famous venues include the National Ice Centre, the National Water Sports Centre, its Test cricket ground, Trent Bridge, two professional football teams (Nottingham Forest and Notts County), and successful cricket and ice hockey teams.

Culturally, Nottingham is spoilt for choice. In addition to its vast range of bars, restaurants and night clubs the city has two large theatres, many museums and art galleries, an independent cinema and several live music venues including the Nottingham Arena and Rock City.

Nottingham has many different architectural styles with buildings dating back to the 12th century. The centre of Nottingham is usually regarded as the Old Market Square which is the largest city square in the UK. The square is overlooked by the Council House which was built in the 1920's and has baroque columns and stone statues of two lions at the front to stand guard over the square. On the ground floor of the Council House, Exchange Arcade is an upmarket shopping centre which has a number of high end boutiques.

About York

The city of York in North Yorkshire is a flourishing city with long and interesting history and is only two hours by train from London. The city is known around the world for its exquisite architecture, its many cobbled streets and of course the iconic York Minster. For a slightly different perspective on the city why not visit The York Army Museum which explores the history of two of Yorkshire's famous regiments, the Royal Dragoon Guards and the Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire. The museum has over eighty showcases displaying military artifacts collected over 300 years. Alternatively, for a more relaxing and contemplative experience visit the nearby 12th century Rievaulx Abbey located in the middle of the North Yorkshire Moors National Park. The Abbey became one of England's wealthiest monasteries before its dissolution by King Henry VIII in 1538. There is an indoor interactive museum and the Work of God and Man exhibition which shows how religion mixed with business in the lives of the monks. Whilst at the Abbey there are plenty of walking and cycling routes to enjoy the spectacular scenery.