Direct Rail
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Travel from St Albans to Norwich by train
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St Albans Norwich Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from St Albans to Norwich including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between St Albans and Norwich now.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from St Albans to Norwich now.

About St Albans

St Albans is a city located in the county of Hertfordshire which is roughly 20 miles to the north of London. It was the first major town on the old Roman road of Watling Street for travellers heading north from London. The city has a thriving cultural life with many concerts and theatre productions held in venues across the city. These include Trestle Arts Base, St. Albans Abbey, Maltings Arts Theatre, the Alban Arena, the Abbey Theatre, St Peter's Church and St Saviour's Church.

St Albans is also home to Trestle Theatre Company who have been creating professional, innovative and inspirational productions since 1981. Originally known for their work with masks, Trestle collaborates with UK and international artists to unify movement, music and text into a compelling theatrical experience. The Sandpit Theatre is a theatre attached to Sandringham School which hosts a wide variety of plays throughout the year, mainly performances put on by the pupils of Sandringham School.

The city's two main line railway stations, St Albans City and St Albans Abbey, provide passengers with excellent and fast links into London and to destinations throughout the south east of England and beyond.

About Norwich

Located in the county of Norfolk, the city of Norwich was England's second city from medieval times through to the Industrial Revolution. Norman invaders gave the city its castle and the Anglican cathedral and as the city grew so did its defensive wall and medieval street layout, which remains intact. Like any great city its centre is easy to walk around and has a river at its heart. Notable landmarks and attractions in the city, the "Norwich 12" include the Edwardian Surrey House, the Georgian grandeur of the Assembly House, St James Mill, The Forum and the Millennium Building. Norwich is a great city to explore on foot. Why not take a stroll from the thirteenth century Adam and Eve public house (the oldest in the city) around the river Wensum, past the unique Cow Tower, to Pulls Ferry, one of the original entrance gates to the Cathedral precinct. A canal was built through this gate to ferry the stone brought from Caen in France, which was used to build the Castle and Cathedral. If you want a great view of the city go up Mousehold Heath to the north-east, close to the nineteenth century prison. From there you will see many of the city's most historic buildings.