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Wolverhampton Cambridge Train

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About Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton is a city located in the West Midlands in England and lies to the north west of Birmingham. Also, to the north and east lies the countryside of Staffordshire and Shropshire. The city itself lies on the Midlands Plateau and at 120m above sea level it is the highest city centre in the UK. Unusually, there are no rivers within the city although several rivers rise in the city: the rivers Tame and Penk.

The city grew as a market town which focused on the woollen trade. Following the Industrial Revolution the city became a major industrial centre with coal mining, limestone mining and iron ore mining along with steel, locks, motorcycles and car production. Modern day Wolverhampton has retained some of its engineering heritage, including a large aerospace industry, and also in the service sector.

The city has a number of venues, museums and other public buildings that all lend to its cultural offering to visitors. The Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton's largest theatre which opened in 1894 and has featured the actors Charlie Chaplin and Sean Connery. It was also used by Winston Churchill. The Arena Theatre, which is part of the University of Wolverhampton, is the city's second largest theatre and hosts both amateur and professional performances.

About Cambridge

The historic university of Cambridge is located in the county of Cambridgeshire in the east of England. The city offers something for everyone. There is a wide choice of galleries showcasing a range of art from contemporary to the classic. There is also a lively theatre scene in the city offering drama, dance and family shows along with a wide variety of live music from internationally acclaimed orchestras to touring pop stars. The city also hosts the world famous Cambridge Folk Festival, the Beer Festival, the Big Weekend and the Secret Garden Party festival. For a more sedate way of spending time in the city why not go punting on the River Cam or take a picnic in the park. As well as the free University of Cambridge’s Fitzwilliam Museum, which houses world-class collections of art and antiquities spanning centuries and civilisations, and Kettle’s Yard, one of the country’s finest galleries and a major centre for 20th century and contemporary art, visitors will find a wide range of artworks, sculpture trail walks and galleries to appreciate. King’s College Chapel is celebrated for its choral services including the famous A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, broadcast live by the BBC to the nation and across the globe on Christmas Eve.