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Travel from Worcester to Ely by train
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Worcester Ely Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Worcester to Ely including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Worcester and Ely.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Worcester to Ely now.

About Worcester

Worcester is a city and country town of Worcestershire in the West Midlands of England. The city is roughly 17 miles to the south west of Birmingham and has the River Severn running through its centre. The city is also overlooked by Worcester Cathedral which was constructed in the 12th century. It is also the site of the last battle of the Civil War and was where Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army defeated King Charles II's Cavaliers. The city was also home to composer Sir Edward Elgar for much of his life.

Interestingly, Worcester was known for its glove making industry which peaked in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. During this period it employed 30,000 people and around half the glove manufacturers in the United Kingdom were based in Worcester. By the end of the 20th century three manufacturers remained in the city. Another of the city's famous products is Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce which has been made and bottled in the city since 1897.

The city's main shopping areas are its High Street, The Shambles, Broad Street, the CrownGate Shopping Centre, Cathedral Plaza and Reindeer Court. The Cross, and surrounding area, is home to the city's financial centre and where many of Worcester's bank branches are located.

About Ely

The city of Ely, located in the county of Cambridgeshire in the east of England, is home to one of the most magnificent cathedrals in England. Apart from taking in the many splendours of the cathedral why not visit the Stained Glass Museum which is located in the South Triforium of Ely Cathedral. The museum has a stunning collection of stained glass and is the only museum dedicated to the art in the country. A guided tour is highly recommended as it unveils the story of stained glass. If you fancy a stroll then following the eel trail is an excellent way of seeing historic Ely at its best. This circular walk self-guided by brass waymarkers set in the ground, takes you past the oldest parts of Ely with its beautiful monastic buildings with stunning architecture and spectacular views. Ely has a beautiful waterside where you can enjoy a boat trip, a riverside walk or listen to music in the neighbouring Jubilee Gardens. As well as an art gallery and the region's largest antique centre, the riverside is home to a variety of pubs, restaurants and tea rooms.