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Aberdeen Portsmouth Train

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About Aberdeen

The city of Aberdeen is Scotland's third most populous city, behind Edinburgh and Glasgow. Aberdeen has a long sandy beach between the two rivers, the Dee and the Don, which turns into high sand dunes north of the Don stretching as far as Fraserburgh. To the south of the Dee are steep rocky cliff faces with only minor pebble and shingle beaches in deep inlets. A number of granite outcrops along the south coast have been quarried in the past, making for spectacular scenery and good rock-climbing.

The city is sometimes known as the Granite City, the Grey City and the Silver City with the Golden Sands. These are all reference to the local quarried grey granite incorporated into Aberdeen's buildings. The discovery of North Sea oil in the 1970's it has also been known as the Oil Capital of Europe. The traditional industries of fishing, paper-making, shipbuilding, and textiles have been overtaken by the oil industry and Aberdeen's seaport. Aberdeen Heliport is one of the busiest commercial heliports in the world and the seaport is the largest in the north-east of Scotland. North Sea oil production has declined from its peak but the industry still supports around 47,000 jobs locally.

About Portsmouth

Located in the county of Hampshire, the city of Portsmouth, sometimes referred to as "Pompey", lies on the south coast of England and is home to the Royal Navy. The city's Historic Dockyard contains one of the most important collections of historic warships in the world. The collection includes HMS Victory, Admiral Lord Nelson's flagship, and the Mary Rose. For visitors wanting to see modern navy ships, boat tours can be taken around the harbour where docked Royal Navy ships can be observed. Portsmouth also has a rich literary and engineering history and is the birthplace of Charles Dickens and the pioneering engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Portchester Castle,, which is roughly 5 miles from Portsmouth, is one of the best preserved Roman fortifications in Northern Europe. Views from the castle's keep, which was built in Norman times, cover much of the surrounding area. The outer wall is of the late Roman era and the original church is still in use and is popular in summer for weddings. The castle is well sign posted, and served by regular buses and Portchester railway station is only a 10 minute walk.