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Bangor Sheffield Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Bangor to Sheffield line between Wales and England here.

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We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Bangor and Sheffield now.

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About Bangor

The city of Bangor is located in the North Wales coast and is regarded as one of the smallest cities in the UK. It is one of only 6 conurbations is Wales that has city status. The city lies close to the Menai Strait which separates the island of Anglesey from Gwynedd. Bangor Mountain lies to the east of the city and the mountain casts a shadow over parts of the city which means that from November to March some areas receive no direct sunlight. The origins of the city date back to the establishment of the monastery on the site of Bangor Cathedral by the Celtic saint Deiniol in the 6th century AD. The Welsh translation of Bangor means "wattled enclosure" such as the one that originally surrounded the cathedral.

Bangor is famous for its University which was founded in 1884 and the city's Friars School was founded as a free grammar school in 557. Bangor is also known for having the longest High Street in Wales.

Bangor's main shopping area is centered around the High Street and the retail outlets on Caernarfon Road on the outskirts of the city, one being St David's Retail Park.

About Sheffield

Sheffield, located in South Yorkshire, is teeming with entertainment and cultural attractions, from award-winning theatre to striking art spaces, arena filling concerts to independent cinema, the great outdoors to inner city pampering, whatever you want to do, there's something for everyone. Live music appears to be on every corner whether you want top name pop bands, philharmonic concerts or folk music in a local pub. Live music venues in the city include the O2 Academy Sheffield, Sheffield Motorpoint Arena, The Octagon Centre, The Leadmill, Sheffield City Hall, Corporation, The Greystones and Plug. Sheffield is also a family-friendly city with lots of fabulous family days out to enjoy. Family days out could take in the splendour of the Magna Science Adventure Centre, Ice Sheffield, Aeriel Extreme, the Tropical Butterfly House and Falconry Centre or the Heeley City Farm. The city is easily explored on foot. Why not spend 90 minutes with a tour guide exploring the city centre and getting to know all the best bits, the interesting things and the downright quirky facts. Tours take place daily, Tuesday through to Saturday starting at 10.30am starting from outside 'Welcome to Sheffield' visitor services on Surrey Street.