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Cardiff Peterborough Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Cardiff to Peterborough line between Wales and England here.

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Cardiff to Peterborough including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Cardiff and Peterborough now.

To book your train ticket, simply start typing your departure and destination stations into the ticket search box and follow the prompts.

About Cardiff

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales and is also the country's largest commercial centre and base for most of the national cultural and sorting institutions, the Welsh national media and the seat of the National Assembly for Wales. Edward VII granted Cardiff city status in 1905 and has seen significant development since the 1990's. A new waterfront area at Cardiff Bay contains the Senedd building, home to the Welsh Assembly and the Wales Millennium Centre arts complex.

The city's sporting venues include the Millennium Stadium, which is the national stadium for the Wales national rugby union team and the Wales national football team. Th city also has the SWALEC Stadium, home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club, Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff International Sports Stadium and Cardiff Arms Park.

Industry and commerce has played an important role in Cardiff's development over the centuries. The catalyst was the demand for coal which was needed for making iron and steel which was brought to the sea by packhorse from Merthyr Tydfill.

The majority of Cardiff's shopping is in the city centre around Queen Street and St. Mary Street, with large suburban retail parks located in Cardiff Bay, Culverhouse Cross, Leckwith, Newport Road and Pontprennau.

Cardiff's main railway station is Cardiff Central and provides services across Wales and to the rest of the United Kingdom.

About Peterborough

The city of Peterborough, in the county of Cambridgeshire, has a mix of attractions from countryside walks, nature reserves and villages to city centre heritage attractions. Explore the city's Norman Cathedral with magnificent architecture set in beautiful grounds or visit Burghley House, John Clare Cottage and Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre with its historic Watermill. The Nene Park, which opened in 1978, covers a site 3.5 miles long, from slightly west of Castor to the centre of Peterborough. The park has three lakes, one of which houses a watersports centre. Ferry Meadows, one of the major destinations and attractions signposted on the Green Wheel, occupies a large portion of Nene Park. Orton Mere provides access to the east of the park. Southey Wood, once included in the Royal Forest of Rockingham, is a mixed woodland maintained by the Forestry Commission between the villages of Upton and Ufford. Nearby, Castor Hanglands, Barnack Hills and Holes and Bedford Purlieus national nature reserves are each sites of special scientific interest. In 2002 the Hills and Holes, one of Natural England's 35 spotlight reserves, was designated a special area of conservation as part of the Natura 2000 network of sites throughout the European Union.