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Dundee Edinburgh Train

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Dundee to Edinburgh including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Dundee and Edinburgh.

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About Dundee

Dundee is the fourth largest city in Scotland and is located within the eastern central Lowlands on the north bank of the Firth or Tay which leads into the North Sea. The city grew rapidly in the 19th century due to the jute industry which gave the city its epithet as the city of "jute, jam and journalism".

Dundee is famous for building the RRS Discovery, Robert Falcon Scott's Atlantic exploration vessel which is now berthed in the city's harbour. The city has reinvented itself over recent decades and is now home to many Biomedical and technological industries and now accounts for 10% of the United Kingdom's digital entertainment industry. The city is also known for the Dandy, the Beano, Desperate Dan and Oor Wullie comic books.

Visitors wishing to orient themselves should consider taking a walk (or drive) up the Law, the plug of an extinct volcano, which offers a 360-degree uninterrupted view of Dundee, the Tay estuary and the Tay Bridge, famously replacing the bridge demolished after the disaster of 1879, and the Tay Road Bridge.

The main shopping area is in the town centre and offers consumers a variety of shops and department stores.

About Edinburgh

The historic city of Edinburgh is Scotland's capital city where its ancient past meets a vibrant, cosmopolitan city with an amazing backdrop. Visitors to Edinburgh can take in its stunning scenery, breathtaking architecture and fine food. The city is surrounded by a beautiful coastline and countryside in the nearby Lothians. The city is the world's festival capital, with the Edinburgh Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city sits atop a series of extinct volcanoes and rocky crags which rise from the flat landscape of the Lothians with the sheltered shoreline of the Firth of Forth to the north. The city skyline is dominated by Edinburgh Castle where, from its ramparts, visitors can gaze down on medieval lanes and elegant terraces that contain over a thousand years of history. On the night of 30 April the Beltane Fire Festival takes place on Calton Hill, involving a procession followed by scenes inspired by pagan old spring fertility celebrations. At the beginning of October each year the Dussehra Hindu Festival is also held on Calton Hill. 'Edinburgh,' said writer Robert Louis Stevenson, 'is what Paris ought to be'.