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Glasgow Cardiff Train

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About Glasgow

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and lies on the River Clyde in the West Central Lowlands of Scotland. Glasgow grew from a riverside, rural settlement to one of the largest seaports in the United Kingdom. From the 18th century the city prospered as one of the United Kingdom's main centres of transatlantic trade with North America and the West Indies.

The city centre is bounded by the High Street to the east, the River Clyde to the south and the M8 motorway to the west and north which was built through the Townhead, Charing Cross, Cowcaddens and Anderston areas in the 1960s. The centre is based on a grid system of streets and at the heart of the city centre lies George Square, site of many of Glasgow's public statues and home to Glasgow City Council. The principle shopping areas in Glasgow are Buchanan Galleries and the St. Enoch Centre. Princes Square and the Italian Centre are the places to go if you are seeking designer labels.

Glasgow has a rich sporting heritage and is home to two of Scotland's largest football clubs: Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers - sometimes referred to as the "Old Firm".

About Cardiff

Cardiff is the capital of Wales and is located on the south coast of Wales. The city has undergone a dramatic transformation over recent decades transforming it from an industrial city into a modern, lively, capital city. Cardiff's industrial past, where it was once one of the most important ports in the world, has been transformed by developments like Cardiff Bay (sometimes called Tiger Bay) which is home to landmarks like the National Assembly for Wales and the Wales Millennium Centre.

Although popular with visitors all year round the summer months may be the best time to visit as the city hosts festivals and the visitors and residents alike can relax in the many cafes and restaurants that offer al fresco dining. Cathays Park is perhaps one of the worlds most beautiful civic centre, comprising expensive white Portland stone buildings in a range of classical styles, all surrounding the formal gardens of Alexandra Gardens whose center contains the beautiful national war memorial of Wales. Most people stop at the first 3 buildings facing the city center (City Hall, National Museum and Law courts) and fail to experience the architectural beauty and tranquility of the park and surrounding buildings.