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Travel from Glasgow to Coventry by train
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Glasgow Coventry Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Glasgow to Coventry line between Scotland and England here.

Use the direct rail train times and ticket search box to get all the information you need on trains from Glasgow to Coventry including schedules, all available fare types from anytime peak to super-off peak.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Glasgow and Coventry.

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About Glasgow

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and lies on the River Clyde in the West Central Lowlands of Scotland. Glasgow grew from a riverside, rural settlement to one of the largest seaports in the United Kingdom. From the 18th century the city prospered as one of the United Kingdom's main centres of transatlantic trade with North America and the West Indies.

The city centre is bounded by the High Street to the east, the River Clyde to the south and the M8 motorway to the west and north which was built through the Townhead, Charing Cross, Cowcaddens and Anderston areas in the 1960s. The centre is based on a grid system of streets and at the heart of the city centre lies George Square, site of many of Glasgow's public statues and home to Glasgow City Council. The principle shopping areas in Glasgow are Buchanan Galleries and the St. Enoch Centre. Princes Square and the Italian Centre are the places to go if you are seeking designer labels.

Glasgow has a rich sporting heritage and is home to two of Scotland's largest football clubs: Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers - sometimes referred to as the "Old Firm".

About Coventry

The city of Coventry in the West Midlands, England, is roughly an hour from London and twenty minutes from the city of Birmingham. There are plenty of things to do and see throughout the year including festivals, exhibitions, concerts and theatre performances. There is something for all the family. One of the most fascinating monuments in the city today is the remnants of its original city walls and gates which were built in the 14th century. The construction work began at New Gate and was initially completed around 1400. Visitors can still find examples of the old wall to this day, including the magnificently well-preserved wall link between Cook Street Gate and Swanswell Gate that runs right through Lady Herbert’s Garden. The wall measured approximately 2.2 miles right around, containing 32 towers and 12 gatehouses in total. The city walls were demolished in 1662 on the orders of King Charles II as a punishment for Coventry’s housing of Parliamentarians during the war. The remaining wall is protected under law and are classified as Grade I listed buildings and a scheduled monument.