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Glasgow Hereford Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Glasgow to Hereford line between Scotland and England here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Glasgow and Hereford.

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About Glasgow

The Scottish city of Glasgow has many facilities spread across the city that range from opera and ballet to football and curling. The city also has many museums and galleries, the most famous being the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art. Most of Scotland's arts organisations are also based in Glasgow including the Scottish Ballet, the Scottish Opera, the National Theatre of Scotland, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and the Scottish Youth Theatre. In 1990 Glasgow was declared European City of Culture in celebration of its cultural heritage.

Glasgow's many theatres include the King's Theatre, the Theatre Royal and the Citizens Theatre. The King's Theatre is primarily a receiving house for touring musicals, dance, comedy and circus-type performances. The theatre also provides a prominent stage for local amateur productions and also stages an annual pantomime, produced by First Family Entertainment.

If live music is what you are looking for then Glasgow also has many live concert venues, pubs and clubs including the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, The Hydro, the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (the SECC), Glasgow Cathouse. King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, the Queen Margaret Union and the Barrowland.

About Hereford

The city of Hereford, in the county of Herefordshire, straddles the banks of the River Wye and has been the commercial centre of Herefordshire farming communities for centuries. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll alongside the crystal clear waters of the River Wye or enjoy in the vibrant centre of High Town, where you can take in a show at The Courtyard Theatre. The magnificent Hereford Cathedral towers over the town. Take a moment to have a look at the stonemasons' work - the skill of these craftsmen is very evident. After exploring the cathedral make sure that you visit the Mappa Mundi, a thirteenth century map which shows Jerusalem as the center of the world. Christopher de Hamel, a leading authority on medieval manuscripts said "... it is without parallel the most important and most celebrated medieval map in any form ..." . Even though Hereford is a medieval town, it has progressed with the ages, adapting its traditional buildings to accommodate both residents and visitors alike. You can stay at anything from the most modern to the most antiquated buildings. Restaurants are plentiful with a wide range of cuisines. This really is a lovely place to stay while visiting the Marches and surrounding districts.