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Gloucester Dundee Train

Find the latest information on England to Scotland trains travelling from Gloucester to Dundee.

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About Gloucester

The cathedral city of Gloucester is the county town of Gloucestershire and lies very close to the border with Wales. The city is roughly 30 miles to the north east of Bristol and 45 miles to the south west of Birmingham. Gloucester lies on the banks of the River Severn and is bounded by the Cotswolds to the east, the Forest of Dean to the west and the Malvern Hills to the north. Interestingly Gloucester is also a port city being linked to the Severn Estuary by the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal. Following renovation the city's former wharfs and warehouses form a public open space, are home to the National Waterways Museum and a number of apartments, shops and bars.

Gloucester Cathedral is in the north of the city close to the river and originates in the foundation of an abbey dedicated to St Peter in 681. The cathedral is the burial place of King Edward II and its cloisters were used for some scenes in some of the Harry Potter movies.

Gloucester's main theatre is the Guildhall which hosts a large and diverse number of entertainments including live music, dance sessions, a cinema, bar, cafe and art gallery.

About Dundee

The city of Dundee is located in north east Scotland and is Scotland's fourth largest city. Dundee is home to cutting edge life sciences research sector, a growing digital media industry and a vibrant arts and cultural scene. Due to open in 2017 is the V&A Dundee which aims to embody the enterprise of the city and make a huge contribution to Scotland's cultural heritage. It is aims to stimulate growth by establishing Scotland as a leading global player in design. The museum, whose building was designed by Japanese-based architects Kengo-Kumo and Associates, will showcase design talent, provide a UK base for major international touring exhibitions, and promote a wider understanding and application of design. There is no better way to see the city and its wildlife than taking a trip along the famous River Tay. Numerous tour operators offer trips from March to September. Bottlenose dolphins and seals are regular visitors to the estuary, and the famous hump back whale still remains part of Dundee folklore. The city centre is a family-friendly pedestrianised hub with more than 5,000 car parking spaces, which offers a range of shopping. The Overgate and Wellgate shopping centres with the Forum Centre in-between offer a mix of high street and designer shopping.