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Inverness Southampton Train

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About Inverness

Inverness is a city located in the Scottish Highlands and is the administrative centre of the Highland council area. The name means "Mouth of the River Ness" and the city lies where the River Ness, which flows from the nearby Loch Ness, enters the Moray Firth. Culloden Moor lies nearby, and was the site of the Battle of Culloden in 1746, which ended the Jacobite Rising of 1745–1746. The city centre lies on the east bank of the River Ness and is linked to the opposite bank by three road bridges: Ness Bridge, Friars Bridge and the Black (or Waterloo) Bridge. There is also a footbridge, the Greig Street Bridge, which connects to the two banks.

Inverness has good transport links. There is a direct link to the Black Isle across the Moray Firth by the Kessock Bridge and the city's railway station provides passengers with links to many towns and cities across Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom including Perth, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Aberdeen and Thurso. Inverness also has an airport, located about 10 miles from the city, and provides scheduled flights to London, Manchester, Belfast and to many other cities across the UK.

About Southampton

Located in the county of Hampshire, the city of Southampton has grown rapidly over the past three decades to become one of the twenty largest cities in England. The city is home to the longest surviving stretch of medieval walls in England and to a number of museums such as Tudor House Museum, Southampton Maritime Museum, God's House Tower, an archaeology museum about the city's heritage and located in one of the tower walls, the Medieval Merchant's House and Solent Sky, which focuses on aviation. The SeaCity Museum is located in the west wing of the civic centre and focuses on Southampton's trading history and on the RMS Titanic.

The city also hosts the annual Southampton Boat Show in September each year. It has over 600 exhibitors and runs for just over a week at Mayflower Park on the city's waterfront. Southampton has many art galleries including the Southampton City Art Gallery at the Civic Centre and is a nationally important Designated Collection, housing several permanent and travelling exhibitions. There is also the Millais Gallery at Southampton Solent University, the John Hansard Gallery at Southampton University along with smaller galleries including the Art House.