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About Newcastle

The north east city of Newcastle upon Tyne still retains its medieval street layout, and its narrow alleys are perhaps most prevalent around the riverside area of the city. Stairs from the riverside to higher parts of the city centre and the Castle Keep, which were originally recorded in the 14th century, still remain.

To the north west of the city centre is Leazes Park which was established in 1873 following a petition by local residents to have access to some open spaces for health and recreation. Just outside the park is St James' Park football stadium, home to Newcastle United Football Club. The stadium, which has a capacity of just over 52,000, dominates the view of the city from all directions. Another green space enjoyed by residents and visitors alike is Town Moor which is located to the north of the city centre. It is larger than London's Hyde Park and Hampstead Heath combined. In the south eastern corner of the city is Exhibition Park, which contains the only remaining pavilion from the North East Coast Exhibition of 1929. Since the 1970s this has housed the Newcastle Military Vehicle Museum although this is now closed.

About Nottingham

Located in the county of Nottinghamshire, the city of Nottingham is home to some of the best shopping in the United Kingdom and has a fantastic cultural calendar and excellent pubs, bars and restaurants. The relatively small city centre, with its pedestrianised streets and tram system make it easy to get around. There are many attractions in and around the city and three worth mentioning are The Galleries of Justice Museum, Nottingham Castle and City of Caves. The award winning Galleries of Justice Museum offers an insight into crime, punishment and British justice. The museum is housed in a former 18th century prison and contains the largest collection of police memorabilia in the United Kingdom. The first incarnation of Nottingham Castle was built by William the Conqueror's son following the Norman invasion in 1068and stood until the 17th century. A new castle was constructed and then destroyed in 1651 but was restored in the 19th century as a museum of fine art. Finally, the City of Caves provides visitors with a unique perspective of the city. Visitors can enter the caves beneath the city and descend into the dark depths of the original Anglo Saxon tunnels.