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About Newcastle

The north east city of Newcastle upon Tyne still retains its medieval street layout, and its narrow alleys are perhaps most prevalent around the riverside area of the city. Stairs from the riverside to higher parts of the city centre and the Castle Keep, which were originally recorded in the 14th century, still remain.

To the north west of the city centre is Leazes Park which was established in 1873 following a petition by local residents to have access to some open spaces for health and recreation. Just outside the park is St James' Park football stadium, home to Newcastle United Football Club. The stadium, which has a capacity of just over 52,000, dominates the view of the city from all directions. Another green space enjoyed by residents and visitors alike is Town Moor which is located to the north of the city centre. It is larger than London's Hyde Park and Hampstead Heath combined. In the south eastern corner of the city is Exhibition Park, which contains the only remaining pavilion from the North East Coast Exhibition of 1929. Since the 1970s this has housed the Newcastle Military Vehicle Museum although this is now closed.

About Truro

The city of Truro in Cornwall, in the south west of England, is a compact city with a pleasant mix of independent shops, national high street shops, galleries and much more to keep the whole family enthralled. Whilst in the city pay a visit to The Royal Cornwall Museum (which also includes the Courtney Library and the Cornish History Research Centre) which has a changing programme of exhibitions along with a permanent collection of art from the old masters to works by local artists practicing today. The museum also has a world famous mineral collection, Cornish archaeology with an excellent bronze age collection, and an Egyptian gallery which includes the remains of the Priest Tayef Nakht, the unwrapped mummy. For visitors who want to explore the city and surrounding area on two wheels, the city is part of two national cycle routes. Truro is part of the Cornish Way which is a route that connects Bude to Land's End. The city is also on cycle route 32 which connects Truro to Bodmin via Newquay. Close to Truro, there is also the Mineral Tramways route between Devoran and Portreath, which connects the south coast of Cornwall with the north.