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Salisbury London Train

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About Salisbury

Salisbury is a cathedral city located in the county of Wiltshire and lies at the edge of Salisbury Plain. The city also lies on the confluence of five rivers: the Nadder, Ebble, Wylye, the Bourne and a tributary of the River Avon. Salisbury cathedral is formally known as the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is one of the leading examples of Early English architecture. The main part of the cathedral was completed between 1220 and 1258. The cathedral's spire is the tallest in the UK and 123m. Visitors are able to take the "Tower Tour" where the interior of the spire can be viewed. The cathedral also has the largest cloister and the largest cathedral close in Britain. It also houses the world's oldest working clock, from AD 1386.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site, Stonehenge, is just under 10 miles from Salisbury which attracts many visitors to Salisbury. The Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum is located in the King's House which is a Grade I listed building dating back to the 13th century. The Pitt Rivers gallery contains a collection from General Augustus Pitt Rivers who is often regarded as the "father of modern archeology".

About London

Located in the south east of England, London is divided into thirty two boroughs and is a vibrant, multicultural city. It is the largest city in the United Kingdom and also the largest city in the European Union and is regarded as an international capital of culture, music, education, fashion, politics, finance and trade.

The commercial capital was the City of London. This had a dense population and all the other pre-requisites of a medieval city: walls, a castle (The Tower of London), a cathedral (St Pauls), a semi-independent City government, a port and a bridge across which all trade was routed so Londoners could make money (London Bridge).

A few miles upstream was the government capital (Westminster). This had a church for crowning the monarch (Westminster Abbey) and palaces. As each palace was replaced by a larger one, the previous one was used for government, first the Palace of Westminster (better known as the Houses of Parliament), then Whitehall, then Buckingham Palace. The two were linked by a road called The "Strand", old English for riverbank.

The 'green lungs' of London are the many parks scattered throughout the city including Hyde Park, St James Park and Regent's Park. Most of the larger parks, such as Richmond Park, have their origins in royal estates and hunting grounds and are still owned by the Crown, despite their public access.