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Travel from Truro to Bradford by train
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Truro Bradford Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Truro and Bradford now.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Truro to Bradford now.

About Truro

The Cornish cathedral city of Truro is located in the south west of the United Kingdom. As the largest town in the county it is Cornwall's centre for retail and also the county's administrative centre. The piazza at Lemon Quay is the where most festivities in the city take place. There are many events throughout the year that attract many visitors to the city. In April, the city prepares for the annual Britain in Bloom competition. The city also hosts a 'continental market' during the same time and features food from across Europe.

Truro also hosts an annual carnival which is held every September and includes music performances, children's activities, a fireworks display, food and drink fairs, a circus and a street parade. The city also hosts an annual half marathon every September which starts in the city centre and then heads out into the nearby countryside and then finishes at Lemon Quay.

Christmas in Truro is not to be missed. The annual Winter Festival includes a paper lantern parade known as the City of Lights Parade. A Christmas tree is erected in the Piazza and another outside the Cathedral at High Cross.

About Bradford

The northern city of Bradford is located in the county of West Yorkshire and is surrounded by rugged moorland and rolling hills, all of which are just a short journey from the heart of the city. It is a must for cyclists and walkers alike with a wide range of trails and paths to explore and enjoy. For a more sedate pace why not spend your time taking in the culture and heritage which is spread across the whole city. There is the magnificent architecture of Little Germany and the explained in the many museums such as the Bradford Industrial Museum and the Brontë Parsonage. Bradford is home to over 200 Asian restaurants and is proud to be Britain's Curry Capital of Britain for the last three years. There are a number of award winning restaurants which serve authentic Asian cuisine. Bradford has two shopping areas the Kirkgate Centre and the Forster Square Retail Park near Forster Square railway station. Bradford also has some of the best Asian shops in the country, including Bombay Stores the UK's largest department store. Here you will find beautiful fabrics, complete wedding outfits, gleaming jewellery and dainty shoes.