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Warrington Bank Quay Glasgow Central Train

Looking at travelling on the train line from England to Scotland between Warrington Bank Quay and Glasgow Central?

At we are completely impartial and our aim is to make it simple for you to find the cheapest fare quickly, securely and hassle free.

We offer the cheapest tickets from Warrington Bank Quay to Glasgow Central as well as open or flexible return tickets, so ensure you get the best fare and book your train ticket in advance with us today.

On many routes you can make huge savings by buying the ticket in advance (when compared to buying at your local station ‘on the day’). Don’t delay, find train fares from Warrington Bank Quay to Glasgow Central now.

Warrington Bank Quay Glasgow Central stations

Glasgow Central Train Station

Located in Scotland's second city, Glasgow Central railway station offers passengers services to destinations including Birmingham New Street, Edinburgh Waverley, London King's Cross, Newcastle Central, Stranraer Harbour, Manchester Piccadilly and London Euston. Services are also available to the Greater Glasgow conurbation's southern suburbs and towns, the Ayrshire and Clyde coast.

Glasgow central railway station is operated by Network Rail and is one of two main line railway stations serving the city, with the other being Glasgow Queen Street. The station is the northern terminus of the West Coast Main Line which connects London, the West Midlands, the North West, North Wales and the Central Belt of Scotland. Passenger services calling at the station are operated by CrossCountry, First TransPennine Express, Virgin Trains, East Coast and First ScotRail.

Facilities at the station include ATM's, pay phones, public wifi, cafe, shops, toilets and baby changing facilities. Parking is available at the station for 555 vehicles and is open 24 hours a day.

Glasgow Central railway station is adjacent to the Central Hotel on Gordon Street. Adjoining onto the station concourse, it was one of Glasgow's most prestigious hotels in its heyday. In June 2009, a new company acquired the hotel building, and planned to refurbish and rebrand it as the Glasgow Grand Central Hotel. The refurbished hotel re-opened in September 2010.