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Winchester York Train

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About Winchester

Winchester is a city and county town of Hampshire in southern England. The city lies at the western end of the South Downs National Park, along the course of the River Itchen. It is roughly 70 miles to the south west of London and 14 miles from Southampton. The city can trace its origins back to Roman times and a town called Venta Belgarum.

The city's major landmark is Winchester Cathedral which was built in 1079 and is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. The cathedral has the longest nave and overall length of all Gothic cathedrals in Europe. In addition to its cathedral, Winchester is also home to the University of Winchester and to Winchester College, the oldest public school in the United Kingdom which was founded in 1382.

Other important historic buildings include the Guildhall dating from 1871 in the Gothic revival style, the Royal Hampshire County Hospital designed by William Butterfield and Winchester City Mill, one of the city's several water mills driven by the River Itchen that run through the city centre. The mill has recently been restored, and is again milling corn by water power. It is owned by the National Trust.

About York

Located in North Yorkshire, the historic city of York is an ancient cathedral city with a history that dates back to before Roman times. York is frequently ranked with Manchester as the second most visited city in England after London and is, of course, famous for giving its name to the city and state of New York in the United States.

The roads within the old city (i.e. within the city walls and to the north of the River Ouse) are pedestrianised between 8:00am and 4pm and most of the sights are only a short walk between one another. The city centre is small enough to walk from one side to the other in around 20 minutes.

For cyclists York is one of the most cycle-friendly cities in the United Kingdom. There is an extensive network of cycle routes in and around the city, and most of the traffic controls have been set up to give cyclists priority. The river path along the Ouse contains some wonderful bike routes out of the city.

York is known as England's "City of Festivals" as there are regular cultural festivals every year. The official festivals are the Viking Festival, the Festival of Angels, Early Music, Late Music, Horse Racing (the "Ebor Race Meeting"), Multicultural Food and Arts, Chinese New Year, Mystery Plays, Christmas St Nicholas' Fair, and the Food and Drink Festival.