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Wolverhampton Dundee Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Wolverhampton to Dundee line between England and Scotland here. offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

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About Wolverhampton

With Birmingham to the south and the counties of Staffordshire and Shropshire lying to the north and east respectively, Wolverhampton is a city in the West Midlands region of England. Wolverhampton has two indoor shopping centres, the Mander Centre and the Wulfrun Centre. These, along with the pedestrianised parts of the city offer shoppers a mix of national stores and independent retailers. There is also a busy indoor market which is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday along with a Craft and Farmers Market held on the first Friday of every month on Dudley Street.

Wolverhampton station is today one of the major stations on the West Coast Main Line and has regular rail services to London Euston, Birmingham New Street and Manchester Piccadilly, as well as most other major cities in the UK. There are also many local services, including those on the Cambrian Line into Wales, the Walsall to Wolverhampton Line to Walsall, the Wolverhampton to Shrewsbury Line to Telford and Shrewsbury; and the Rugby-Birmingham-Stafford Line to Stafford and Coventry.

The Midland Metro, a light rail system, currently connects Wolverhampton St. George's to Birmingham Snow Hill station via West Bromwich and Wednesbury, mostly following the former Birmingham Snow Hill-Wolverhampton Low Level Line.

About Dundee

Located in north east Scotland, the city of Dundee is over 800 years old and is the fourth largest city in Scotland. The city is undergoing a transformation with a £300 million master plan to regenerate Dundee Waterfront which is expected to last for a 30-year period between 2001 and 2031. The aims of the project will be to reconnect the city centre to the waterfront, to improve facilities for walking, cyclists and buses, to replacing the existing inner ring road with a pair of east/west tree lined boulevards, build a new civic square and a regenerated railway station and arrival space at the western edge. A new Victoria and Albert museum is also being built which is set to be completed by 2015.

Dundee is also a key retail destination for north east Scotland. The city centre offers a wide variety of retailers, department stores, independent and specialist stores. The Murraygate and High Street forms the main pedestrian area and is home to a number of national stores. Other retail areas in the city include Gallagher Retail Park, Kingsway East Retail Park and Kingsway West Retail Park.