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Travel from Canterbury to Exeter by train
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Canterbury Exeter Train offer cheap train tickets with all UK train companies to and from all National Rail stations, not just in cities, but towns and villages too.

Fare types can sometimes come across a bit confusing but fear not, we make it simple for you to view the best ticket type for the journey between Canterbury and Exeter.

On many routes you can save on average 43% by buying your ticket in advance in comparison to buying at your local station on the day of travel. So what are you waiting for? Search for your train fares from Canterbury to Exeter now.

About Canterbury

Canterbury, in the south east of England, can trace its history back to before the Romans in the 1st century AD but grew in importance following the Kingdom of Kent's conversion to Christianity in 597 when St Augustine founded a bishops seat in the city and then became the first Archbishop of Canterbury, a position that now heads the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion. Thomas Becket's murder at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 led to the cathedral becoming a place of pilgrimage for Christians worldwide.

The city is on the River Stour or Great Stour, flowing from its source at Lenham north-east through Ashford to the English Channel at Sandwich. The river divides south east of the city, one branch flowing though the city, the other around the position of the former walls. The Stour is navigable on the tidal section to Fordwich, although above this point canoes and other small craft can be used. Punts and rowed river boats are available for hire in Canterbury.

Canterbury is home to many historic structures in addition to its cathedral. These include the city wall built in Roman times and rebuilt in the 14th century, the ruins of St Augustine Abbey and a Norman castle. The city is also home to perhaps the oldest school in England, The King's School.

About Exeter

The city of Exeter is located right in the heart of the county of Devon in the south west of England. The city is surrounded by breathtaking countryside and is close to the Jurassic Coast, England's first natural UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city, with it gothic cathedral and medieval underground Passages, is full of heritage and culture spanning 2,000 years. The city's quayside is a hub of activity, with cycle and canoe hire available to explore the River Exe and canal, and the Quay Climbing Centre providing a lofty space in which to climb. Hire a bicycle and follow the Exe Estuary Trail, a 26 mile foot and cycle path following the Exe Estuary linking Exmouth, Exeter and Dawlish, with fantastic views along the River Exe. Exeter also offers its visitors the opportunity to take various guided walking tours around the city with the Red Coat Guides. These volunteer guides will take you for a 90-minute (approx.) tour, leading you around the various attractions and showing you some of the most popular sights to see. All this, whilst also presenting lots of interesting facts and tales of Exeter's long and historical past.